
If you’re looking for games hosted on GitHub Pages (which typically end, there are quite a few interesting projects you can explore. Here are a few examples:

  1. : A popular sliding block puzzle games.
  2. Flappy Bird: A simple side-scrolling games where you navigate a bird through obstacles.
  3. Snake: The classic Snake games where you control a snake to eat food and grow longer.
  4. Pacman: The classic arcade games where you navigate Pac-Man through a maze, eating pellets and avoiding ghosts.
  5. Breakout: A game where you break bricks with a ball and games

These games are often created as part of coding tutorials or as personal projects by developers who then host them on games for easy access and sharing. They’re great for both playing and learning from the source code if you’re interested in game development or JavaScript programming. games CLICK TO PLAY GAME

If you’re specifically looking for a game that involves GitHub itself or is themed around GitHub, there’s a fun little game called “ games”. This is an annual game jam hosted by GitHub where participants create games based on a theme provided by GitHub. The games are typically hosted on GitHub Pages for easy access and sharing.

Here are some examples from past Game Off events:

  1. GitHub Game Off 2020: The theme was “Moonshot”. You can find games created for this event on GitHub by searching for repositories tagged with “game-off-2020”.
  2. GitHub Game Off 2019: The theme was “Leaps and Bounds”. Check out games from this event by searching for repositories tagged with “game-off-2019”.
  3. GitHub Game Off 2018: The theme was “Hybrid”. Explore games from this event by searching for repositories tagged with “game-off-2018”.

These games are usually created by developers and game enthusiasts who participate in the GitHub Game Off competition. They’re a great way to see how developers interpret themes creatively and implement them into playable games.

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